about us
Rosadubois CranChandler is a non-governmental, non-profit and independent organization which is working to promote sustainable growth, advance campaign in support for developing countries in the field of infrastructure, health and development, food security, energy and afforestation. The main duties are advocacy, policy development and planning, direct support and campaign awareness. The Cofounder gives his inspiration about how he came up with the name of the foundation.

Conceptual Framework For The Name Rosadubois CranChandler
The black and white keys of the piano gives us music. Music is the food for life and our soul. The name was brought up as a fusion of 4 Activists who ensured in making the world a better place for all races devoid of colour. The founder of this NGO, believes that, through collaboration of all colour of people, the world becomes a better place. When the world becomes a better place, the quality of life is improved, and people become more satisfied with life’s blessings and opportunities. The four Activists are as follows;
Rosa Parks (1913 TO 2005); Rosa Parks, born in Tuskegee Alabama, stands as a symbol of strength, dignity and pride through the struggles of racial segregation. Some say, she is the real emancipation of values of core dignity on equality. Through her actions of refusing her seat for a fellow white man in a bus on Montgomery, Alabama 1955. Her actions cost her dearly but won the Supreme Courts ruling on bus segregation as unconstitutional. Rosa, finished her professional career as an administrator in the Detroit office of John Conyers Jr. She also co-founded the Rosa and Raymond Parks Institute for Self Development in Detroit. Rosa was given the award highest of honor as Congressional Gold Medal for any person in the United States ( notable award recipient’s are George Washington, Thomas Edison, Mother Theresa etc.) The greatest honor, is that she became the first woman in history to lie in the U.S Capitol.
W.E.B. DU BOIS 1868 TO 1963 ; Born William Edward Burghardt DuBois, was (considered ahead of his peers and time ) one of the greatest African American sociologist, activist and scholar, writer, and editor was one of the pioneers to be able to use data in revolutionarising the Black Society. One of his greatest books which was ground braking is “The Souls of Black Folk”. He was the first man to be sent to school in his extended family. Du Bois, attended Harvard in 1888, for his early education and moved to Berlin for advancement into his Doctoral. Du Bois was influenced by the historical works of Albert Bushnell (German trained). He later moved back to Harvard to obtain his Doctoral degree, with completion of his thesis in Economics during his Doctoral in Berlin. The American standard of education covering slavery comes from his first book “The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America, 1638 to 1870. He was offered work with the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics leading studies on Black Southern households in Farmville, Virginia (effects of slavery on African American households, 1897). These works formed analytical data for his sociological studies. He worked with the Atlantic monthly and came out with “The Strivings of the Negro People” which became a sensation for the beginning of Sociology for African American slavery, with view to the effects of being racially oppressed. Du Bois, later teamed up with William Monroe Trotter and others to setting up the Niagara Movement, which served as an advocacy for political and civil rights for African Americans. He later developed Communist leanings. In 1961 he moved to Ghana with an invitation from the Ghanaian President Dr Kwame Nkrumah. Du Bois ,gained his citizenship in Ghana and started the Encyclopedia Africana, he passed on shortly in 1963 and was given a State Burial.
PRUDENCE CRANDALL (1803 TO 1890); Ms Crandall serves as a hope and excellence for women. Prudence Crandall museum (her Canterbury school ) was named after her drive and success in her contributions to humanity. She was a pupil schoolteacher who through ingenuity and creativity, run the first school in Connecticut USA, for black girls. This was based on the reason of educating black girls due noninterest and participation of education of white young girls. Her first student was Sara Harris, an African American lady in 1832. Three years after she got married to Calvin Philleo, then a Baptist Minister and an abolitionist. She later settled in Elk Falls, Kansas with her brother after her husband passed. Connecticut legislature proposed and implemented a small pension for her during her old age.
CHRISTOPHER CHANDLER 1938 TO 2019; This gentleman was a journalist who was part of starting Chicago Free Press, the Daily Planet and the Chicago Journalism Review. Outstanding works which he performed include carrying out social justice unrest activities on the assignation of Martin Luther King Jr. He later on became the Press Secretary for Harold Washington ( Mayor of Chicago). Also, among his contributions was assisting arrest of the killings of some members of the Black Panther (Fred Hampton and Mark Clark who were leaders of the movement). In his later years, thus from 1997 to 2001 he worked in Washington DC in media relations seeing to affairs in relation to whistleblowing and accountability.